Storytellers, narrative specialists, and those who simply love storytelling and play,
I want to announce our unique storytelling series, Debut: A Fusion of Storytelling and Play. This is unlike anything out there in storytelling. We invite three amazing storytellers to tell a story for the first time in public with us. They are experienced Professional Storytellers who share a new story for our listening audience.
Then, we fused storytelling and play as the Storytellers work with me as we play with the story direction. We use proven playful techniques that you could use to build your story.
Come join us as we play with stories in the Public Storytelling Playground!

The stories could be fairy tales, folk tales, mixtures of both, personal narratives...
The attendees also share comments they might affect the future direction of the stories.
Then, we talk about process, what did we learn from the experience, This all begins the last Sunday on the month beginning at 2 P.M. EST (March we will begin at 4:30 PM EST but afterward, 2:00 beginning in April.)
See above for the flyer for the general program and the one that begins on Sunday, March 28,

This flyer serves to remind you of our monthly series. I hope to see you there. If you want to be featured on Debut or want to know more about storytelling and/or play for your business, school, and community, or YOU. Contact Kevin on his page at

See you at the story Playground!