Kevin Cordi
International Award Winning Educator, Author and Storyteller

Introducing Dr. Kevin Cordi
"Cordi has made it his crusade to teach the value of a storytelling legacy."
— The National Storytelling Network
For over twenty-five years, Kevin has not only told stories on a national and
international platform, but uses stories to help others find meaning in their
work, school, and personal lives.
"As an organizer of an event that incorporates 20,000 guests, if you are looking for a performer who can enchant audiences, call Kevin."
— Catherine Paparella, Program Director

He has told stories in over forty states, England, Scotland, Singapore, Canada, Japan and in Qatar. Kevin shares stories with a highly energetic, animated and interactive style and is considered by many storytelling professionals as one of the most influential and dynamic storytellers and teachers today. His award-winning story work has been commissioned by The Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, American Library Association, National Storytelling Network, Newsweek, and the Qatar Foundation International.
"When the electronic wizards took over the world they forgot to zap one lone knight. Kevin Cordi tilting at push-
button entertainment and the simplest of weapons—his brain and tongue. Kevin Cordi is raising an army to rekindle interest in human's oldest communication skill, storytelling."
— Guy Keeler, Fresno Bee

Kevin holds a doctorate from The Ohio State University in Education, Storytelling, and Story Making and has taught storytelling at the university and secondary level. For seven years at Ohio Dominican University he taught “Applied Storytelling” as well as other courses in the areas of children and young adult literature and folk and fairy-tales. He served as OSU’s first “Academic Storyteller in Residence” with the Multicultural Center. He developed programs using narrative to address gender, equity, diversity, and social justice. He now serves as a national/international story/storytelling consultant and is working full time as an Associate Professor of Literacy and Language at Ohio University Lancaster. Since 2009, he has served as a Co-Director for the
Columbus Area Writing Project with the OSU branch of the National Writing Project.

He is considered one of the "nation's primary advocates for youth storytelling"! According to the National Storytelling Network, he is “the first full time high school storytelling teacher in the country”. His work has been chronicled in the book he co-authored with Judy Sima, Raising Voices: creating youth storytelling groups and troupes.
“Playing with Stories presents an approach to story crafting that is challenging and fun, a refreshing change from the many books available about storytelling and story crafting.”
— Stas Ziolkowski, PA

He believes in the power of play to help people and organizations re-consider the story that they and others tell about them and/or their company. His recent book (2014) Playing with Stories: story crafting for writers, teachers, and other imaginative thinkers has been used in businesses, schools, jails, and more. He has developed strong narrative-based work for organizations and guilds around the country and parts of the world. This includes:
• The Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington D.C.
• Department of Corrections, Singapore
• Fulbright Commission, Japan
• Yosemite National Park
• National Elementary and Secondary School Principals
• National Council Teachers of English
• International Reading Association
• Columbus Area Writing Project
• Newsweek
• National Storytelling Network
• National Storytelling Hall of Fame
• National Association of Social Studies
• Optimist Organization
• Singapore Book Council
• Highlights for Children
...along with a host of schools, businesses, and community organizations. With each story he tells, the audience leaves knowing the rich power of story. He teaches with stories. He listens to stories. He invites playful and powerful narrative work from his clients and the companies that sponsor him. He has worked as an actor, teacher, door-to-door salesman (at age 14), disc jockey and gas station attendant. He believes this only enriches him as a storyteller and story teacher.